Monday, 2 June 2008

Are you there God? It's me, on my first day back...

As all you, my faithful readers, know - today was my first day back at work. My heart broke a little bit to leave my baby (I was glad for a break from the other two...) at daycare, but he went off and had a fantastic day without me (bugger). I got to work, and after about an hour of hearing the same refrain, "there's no work, we don't know what to do with you, business is sloooowww..." etc. on and on and on until my ears were bleeding - I had had enough. Off to see the General Manager I went. I was the first to drop the "L" Bomb: Layoff. I basically said that please please pretty please let me get my hours in that I need to claim EI again, and then we can both go on our merry ways. FWIW, I've got at LEAST two months guaranteed filing (gag). I need 5 months to claim EI. Mr. GM looked relieved. Apparently this was his master plan all along. I explained that that would be just ducky by me, because I was planning on moving to the island anyway to be with dear hubby, so I wouldn't lose any sleep over a layoff right at Christmas time (luck of the timings, lol) and he could stop stressing about being the one to "ruin" Christmas for my little family. So at this point I was feeling pretty good. Then we got to talking. See, I had mentioned "The Island". The gears in his head started slowly clunking to life. You see, friends, that it just so happens that my company has an office on The Island. Furthermore, it just so happens that that office "might" have an opening, and it just so happens that that opening is in a position for which I am FULLY qualified AND trained for - within the same company! Mr. General Manager asked me when I could (hypothetically) start there, and we discussed a bit and arrived at July 15th of this year. Sooooo, he's going to talk to the GM of THAT office, and if all the planets are aligned just so, and he's not pulling my leg, and Mr. Island GM likes the sound of my name... Then I could just get transferred there, NOT have to file, WRITE OFF all my moving expenses, BE with hubby, HAVE a job... Basically my life as I know it would just "click". This has never before happened to me. I'm sooooo nervous. Please, pleasepleasepleasepleasepleeeaaasssseeee keep your fingers and toes and eyes and nosehairs crossed for me. I've submitted all necessary paperwork, but I have to hand over a resume. As I don't currently have one of those (being employed, and all) I'll probably be up until the wee hours of the morning getting one perfected. Oh my world I want this so much! I'm pinning all my hopes on it, putting all my eggs in one basket, counting my chickens, betting the farm, using ALL the really bad metaphors I know... This could just be the break I need.

Sorry for the completely scatterbrained post, everyone. I'll add something more coherent as soon as it comes to me.


Anonymous said...

Ohhh Kira that is so awesome my fingers are crossed for you!!!!!!!

Jer said...

Good luck with the job!!! I hope everything works out for you!

Frogs and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails said...

Good luck Kira I'm pulling for you babe!

Bad Mommy said...

Crossing every limb I have!!!