Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Rinse, repeat

So I mopped the floors this afternoon. I just took this picture after dinner. See? Can you see the clean underneath the fresh layer of dirty?

But then, then I mopped again, AND waxed, and now look! So shiny!

Is it only me though, who thinks that these real-wood floors always look dirty? Do you know how many knots I tried to scrub off today, thinking they were ground-in raisins? I think I'm just used to my old fake-wood floors...

I'm not going to bed tonight. Oh no, I will be sitting here enjoying my clean floors for the precious few hours they will be clean. Children have an aversion to clean floors, as evidenced above. I mean, just hazard a guess as to where the baby sits. I dare you.

So, so pretty... I need better smelling wax though, this smells like fake fruit. Ick. But so pretty!


Amanda said...

The fact that with three kids, you manage to mope twice AND wax...amazes me...your like superwoman! I live by myself, work a normal work week and my house is a disaster..even when I've "cleaned" its still messy....sigh...i'm in awe!

Daggy said...

Ha ha ha, I feel for you! We had hardwood installed PER MY INSISTANCE (WTF was I thinking???) a few months ago, and I swear to God, it added about 10 hours of work to my daily cleaning schedule...

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